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Walter Harley’s Avatar

Walter Harley

VP of Software Engineering
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Seattle, Washington
5 Answers
6785 Reads
12 Karma

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Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Apr 22, 2024 1800 views

How do most programmers know what exactly to type when coding?

How do most programmers know what exactly to type when coding?

elias’s Avatar
elias Jun 05, 2023 625 views

What tools are commonly used in electrical?

Hello Im Eli I'm going to learn electrical and im wondering what tools I should become familiar with. Could anyone let me know what tools I would be using as an electrician.

Sujitha’s Avatar
Sujitha Jun 22, 2016 963 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a sound engineering?

I want to become a sound engineering. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #engineering #sound

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jun 12, 2024 3991 views

What is the best way to start networking?

Hello! I just finished my junior year of high school. With senior year coming up, I want to start networking more with professionals in jobs I am interested in. I have to admit, I am not the most extroverted person out there, and I want some tips!

Moussa’s Avatar
Moussa Sep 18, 2020 632 views

How much education you need to become a engineer?

I am a 9th grader that like to plan for my future #getready #engineer #career