Brian Weissman
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What is necessary for Theatre Acting?
What skills are necessary for Theatre Acting and what is some advice for those who Stutter often when trying to say lines?

What classes in highschool should I take in order to be a musical choreographer.
I would like to be a musical theatre choreographer for shows and performances. #theatre #musical-theatre #dance #choreography #performing-arts #high-school-classes

What is the best public university in California for Musical Theatre?
I am applying to colleges to pursue a degree in Theatre Arts/Musical Theatre. #experience #music #musical-theatre #theatre #live-theatre

What is the most hard part of Software engineer?
I want to know how hard is to learn this career #computer-software #technology

As someone who does all forms of performing, does it have to be a specific career for you to go into?
#career #Dance #Performer #Theater #Theatre #Arts #Performance

How do you effectively communicate your value to an employer in a short interaction?
Received a call from a potential employer and wanted to know how best to communicate value during a phone pres-screen. #business #marketing #communications #recruiting #hiring #customer-service #professional-development #phone-etiquette

Is it worse to be too friendly or not friendly enough?
Just wondering! #business #medicine #teaching #healthcare #law #marketing-and-advertising #customer-service

What type of businesses offer programs to teach customer service, project management, or team-work?
I am planning to go into system administrations and wonder what types of programs I will have to attend to obtain the job and/or put on my resume. #project-management #resume-writing #customer-service #team-leadership #system-administration #team-work

If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?
Hey! Just wondering what one thing you would want to change about your job. Would it be the workplace? The hours? The pay? The dress code? Coworkers? What would it be?
Thanks in advance for answering, I appreciate it! #business #medicine #nursing #law #marketing #customer-service

What does it take to be an Actor?
I am an aspiring actor, and I want to know what it takes to be the best actor I can be. #acting #theatre #actor

Should I do theater or something more stable?
I am a Freshmen and I am starting to think about what I want to major in. I love to do musical theater and want to major in it, but I know that it is very competitive, so I am worried that I am not talented enough. Also, it's not the most stable career path, so should I do something more...

Is filming and animation the same thing
Is animation the same as filming because both have a story and production but one deals with art while the other deals with cameras. #college-advice

Why does youtube think it needs more developers when it will die in the next 10 years?
like does youtube really think he can win and influence friends using this method, by the way they are losing customer when they do that because it should be simple but not at the same time
#youtube #computer-science #developers #streaming #communications #business #web-development

What is the real life examples of Data Science that you use in your job?
I'm an Information Systems Graduate Student looking for professional advice and examples of usage of Data Science in real life, not University project. #networking #business-student