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Travis Winn’s Avatar

Travis Winn

UI/UX Visual Designer at PIMCO
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Lake Forest, California
3 Answers
4653 Reads
46 Karma

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Kamryn’s Avatar
Kamryn May 13, 2016 1160 views

What types of class would you recommend taking to become a film director? Would you suggest traveling abroad for a semester?

I would like to know what classes to take to better my college experience and give me the best opportunities and skills to be a successful film director. #business #art #film #travel #classes #movies

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike May 13, 2016 1299 views

Is it okay to attend a college even though you're not sure if you'll be able to pay it off?

I'm going to a REALLY expensive art school and even though my parents tell me not to worry, I worry about putting my family in debt. :( #college #finance #art #money

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Apr 09, 2015 2162 views

How should someone start off their graphic design career?

I am very interested in graphic design and would want to create graphics. #design #graphic-design #graphics #3d-graphics