Sheen Patel
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Computer science vs Cybersecurity BS?
My school offers a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Cybersecurity. No specializations, they are their own separate BS degrees. They offer similar classes in the beginning, but then change and become more focused near the end. I am wanting to know, if anyone knows, what each field is like? For...

How can I gain experience?
I am a grad student searching for opportunities that I can gain skills and knowledge from #volunteer #cybersecurity #humantrafficking

How to enter in software work force?
I completed my masters in computer Science in 2010 and joined teaching profession. Now I want to join software industry, but not sure how to start, where to start, should I join any boot camp or get admission in some college/university courses? Please advice.
#technology #software #computer science

In the Computer Science/Programming field, are credentials more important than student projects?
I plan to get a Master's degree in Computer Science, Programming, Software Engineering, or a related field. However, a lot of people I've talked to in the Computer Science field have told me that a MS degree in this field is unnecessary, and potential employers will judge you more based on any...

What kinds of questions are you asked in an interview for a cyber security engineering role?
I'd like to prepare for a job as an engineer at a computer security company, so I'm wondering what the interview process is like. What was your experience interviewing for an engineer role at a cyber security company? What advice do you have for an aspiring engineer (or aspiring engineer...

What should I do for a career in Cyber Security?
I want to become a cyber security expert. What do I do to get there?
#technology #cyber-security

What main skills would I need to be an engineer?
I'm Joseph and I'm good at math. And I'm gonna be an engineer but I'm wondering if there is other skills I would need to be an engineer. #tech #engineering

Which math is the most helpful in the field of Computer Science
I am planning on attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) as a freshman this fall to study Computer Science and when reviewing course requirements, I saw that there was an open spot for math meaning I could fill it with any math of my choice. Other required math courses were Probability...