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Sheen Patel’s Avatar

Sheen Patel

Network Security
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Ashburn, Virginia
10 Answers
17135 Reads
12 Karma

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Jordyn’s Avatar
Jordyn Apr 24, 2018 4365 views

Computer science vs Cybersecurity BS?

My school offers a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Cybersecurity. No specializations, they are their own separate BS degrees. They offer similar classes in the beginning, but then change and become more focused near the end. I am wanting to know, if anyone knows, what each field is like? For...

Rija’s Avatar
Rija Sep 11, 2019 1049 views

What does success look like in this industry or position and how is it measured?

#IT #cybersecurity

Candice’s Avatar
Candice Jan 13, 2021 776 views

How can I gain experience?

I am a grad student searching for opportunities that I can gain skills and knowledge from #volunteer #cybersecurity #humantrafficking

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Feb 01, 2021 1902 views

Is college worth it?

#gpa #graduate

Pari’s Avatar
Pari Jan 30, 2021 1094 views

How to enter in software work force?

I completed my masters in computer Science in 2010 and joined teaching profession. Now I want to join software industry, but not sure how to start, where to start, should I join any boot camp or get admission in some college/university courses? Please advice.
#technology #software #computer science

Darryl’s Avatar
Darryl Oct 22, 2016 1862 views

In the Computer Science/Programming field, are credentials more important than student projects?

I plan to get a Master's degree in Computer Science, Programming, Software Engineering, or a related field. However, a lot of people I've talked to in the Computer Science field have told me that a MS degree in this field is unnecessary, and potential employers will judge you more based on any...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 08, 2016 4822 views

What kinds of questions are you asked in an interview for a cyber security engineering role?

I'd like to prepare for a job as an engineer at a computer security company, so I'm wondering what the interview process is like. What was your experience interviewing for an engineer role at a cyber security company? What advice do you have for an aspiring engineer (or aspiring engineer...

Giridhar Nair’s Avatar
Giridhar Mar 20, 2020 1596 views

What should I do for a career in Cyber Security?

I want to become a cyber security expert. What do I do to get there?
#technology #cyber-security

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Nov 05, 2020 3089 views

What main skills would I need to be an engineer?

I'm Joseph and I'm good at math. And I'm gonna be an engineer but I'm wondering if there is other skills I would need to be an engineer. #tech #engineering

Ralph’s Avatar
Ralph May 22, 2018 1112 views

Which math is the most helpful in the field of Computer Science

I am planning on attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) as a freshman this fall to study Computer Science and when reviewing course requirements, I saw that there was an open spot for math meaning I could fill it with any math of my choice. Other required math courses were Probability...