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Alan Posch’s Avatar

Alan Posch

Senior Technical Illustrator at National Instruments
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Production Occupations
Texas, Texas
13 Answers
38898 Reads
46 Karma

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Spencer’s Avatar
Spencer Jun 02, 2021 1110 views

What programs are most favorable when becoming a graphic designer?

What are the best programs to when working as a graphic/digital designer? #graphic-design #graphics #media

Rokaria’s Avatar
Rokaria Jan 19, 2018 7258 views

Do companies truly focus on your college major when applying for jobs?

My major might be something broad like English, but I want to work in the creative arts. I want to know if employers truly care about your major even if it might not match exactly to what they want. #major

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Oct 19, 2018 697 views

Where is the best place for an illustration/graphic art paid internship?

For a budding illustration and graphic artist, what would a good example of a paid internship that has reasonable entry? As a young multi talented artist, I have a strong passion about concept sketching and art and want to focus deeply on that aspect. I would like to be employed after college,...

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Jan 18, 2018 1104 views

Is it really as hard to find a well-paid career in art as it sounds?

Art is something that I enjoy, but I keep getting the impression that an artists live off ramen noodles and paint water. Concept art, graphic design, and traditional art are what interest me most. Will it be years before I get considered to join something like Marvel or Disney, or is it just...

Mallory’s Avatar
Mallory Jan 18, 2018 1004 views

Is it possible to be a desirable applicant for a world renowned company without having gone to an Ivy League school?

Over the course of my childhood, I’ve developed a deep adoration for Disney, alongside a fascination with the technology behind the attractions, the engineering that creates the magic. My dream job would be to work as a part of the Walt Disney Imagineering Team. I plan on studying computer...

Jens’s Avatar
Jens Jan 17, 2018 794 views

How easy is it to major in music and minor in graphic arts in most colleges?

I will have a much better chance of getting into colleges and getting scholarships in music than in graphic arts. I have been playing trumpets since 3rd grade and I am pretty good. But, I don't wan't to be a performer for a living; my long term goal is graphic arts. #trumpet #music...

Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan Nov 16, 2017 1155 views

What does a fine arts technician do on a daily basis?

What are the best school in or close to Texas, centered around fine arts and technology?

Tabias’s Avatar
Tabias Feb 10, 2017 1442 views

whats the highest level of education i need to become a graphic designer

just a thought #graphic-design

Tabias’s Avatar
Tabias Feb 10, 2017 1162 views

Do you think the more time i spend in a design the more i should charge on the design?

just a thought #graphic-design

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11242 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Katlyn’s Avatar
Katlyn May 23, 2016 1076 views

How would you become a logo desiger or describe what that career does? What would you need to have as in education wise.

I am interested in being a logo designer in the field of graphic design. #graphic-design #logo-design

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jul 12, 2016 8193 views

What is production work in the graphic design or design career field?

I want to know what production work is is in graphic design, because I am studying digital media at my college. #graphic-design

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Aug 11, 2016 4245 views

Would a Graphic Design degree be a feesible option for someone interested in comic/ graphic novel art ?

I am trying to decide what degree options would suit my interests best. #art #graphic-design