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Deeksha Shivakumar Kumar’s Avatar

Deeksha Shivakumar Kumar

Sr. Design Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
5 Answers
7953 Reads
2 Karma

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Abedel-Hameed’s Avatar
Abedel-Hameed May 01, 2020 1013 views

What are the best steps forward to follow for a mechanical engineer in their senior college year.

I am a Mechanical Engineering student at AUB, and I am currently at the beginning of my senior year. I would like to set a few midterm and long term plans for my graduation, and I would appreciate some advice on where I should look for opportunities in the industry and how to reach out for...

Conor’s Avatar
Conor May 20, 2016 1019 views

Is it too late to find a summer internship?

I'm still trying to find an internship in data analytics and computer science and haven't had much luck. #science #computer #internships #application #summer

Abdalla’s Avatar
Abdalla Jan 16, 2018 14314 views

In which country are mechanical engineers in demand and paid heavily?

I am a Mechanical Engineering major student. I will be graduating and will obtain my Bachelor's Degree two years from now so I needed to understand very well the job market, opportunities and future for such a field to be able to trace and plan my career successfully starting off now. #career...

Bronwyn’s Avatar
Bronwyn Oct 30, 2016 2296 views

How do I pursue a career in both business management and engineering?

I am currently the Business Mangement leader of my high school FRC team. In the near future, I hope to pursue a career in both business and engineering. However, I am unaware of what types of degrees might cover something like this. What type of degree is closest to this and are there any types...

charles’s Avatar
charles May 19, 2016 1112 views

I will soon need to take the G.R.E, a needed examination to enter a Master's Program, my question, How much do colleges take this to consideration? Does a high score really define your eligibility to enter great schools?

Currently in college; deciding on my career path towards a PHD. #college #professor #student #graduate #higher-education #undergraduate #phd