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Manager, Software Development
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Glen Allen, Virginia
9 Answers
14069 Reads
1 Karma

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Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Mar 28, 2020 1030 views

What is the difference between data and business analyst?

#business #entrepreneur

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn Feb 14, 2020 777 views

What is an enterprise data watehouse?


Sameea’s Avatar
Sameea Nov 19, 2020 871 views

For entry level Data Analytics job what kind of project should add in portfolio. #GivingisCaring

I did master in Information Technology and I want to do work in data analytics.#GivingisCaring

Yazmin’s Avatar
Yazmin Nov 30, 2020 6421 views

What is the difference between the job of a Data Engineer and a Data analytics ?

I am currently applying to internships, and there are two roles available. These roles seem similar, so I am wondering if there is anyone from the industry that can further explain. Thank you. #GivingisCaring #dataengineering #engineering #data

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn Feb 14, 2020 745 views

What are the main components of informatica?

#engineering #software #engineer

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Sep 20, 2019 1064 views

What steps should I take to prepare to enter the field of a Database Administrator?

#technology #computer #tech #programmer #information-technology #programming

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Nov 08, 2019 873 views

What companies involve health information technicians?

High school student doing research on health info technicians. #IT #health #healthcare

Nikolas’s Avatar
Nikolas Jun 19, 2020 1054 views

What state has the most demands for a job in IT?

I study python in school. #IT #Python

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 22, 2015 3536 views

What are the current job skills/responsibilities/task for a DATABASE/DATA ANALYST?

I'm an advertising major, looking to expand into high tech.
I would like to know what it takes to be a data analyst in the silicon valley. #databases #big-data