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Veronica Ewing’s Avatar

Veronica Ewing

UX Researcher
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
4 Answers
4997 Reads
32 Karma

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kagny’s Avatar
kagny Oct 20, 2023 762 views

What are most challenge part in working?

I don't know what I want to be when I get out of high school but i find nursing and designing interesting but I don't want to be any of those can you help me find other things that will help me find something I like.

Rich’s Avatar
Rich Oct 20, 2023 3102 views

How would you know your perfect job?

Hello, How would you know if you found the perfect job/career for yourself?

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Jan 18, 2021 587 views

How do I go about making connections with industry professionals?

I am a high school senior and I'm interested in pursuing a career in the music industry. Thanks! #music #music-industry #musiccareers #music-business

Reece’s Avatar
Reece Jan 14, 2021 547 views

What job possibilities are there for people with a degree in graphic design?
