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Simeon Snow’s Avatar

Simeon Snow

Risk Assurance
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Houston, Texas
1790 Answers
2004586 Reads
722 Karma


Civic Duty

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Kierra’s Avatar
Kierra Apr 25, 2018 954 views

College expenses are outrageous. Should I be concerned about the amount of student debt I will be in?

Debt sounds scary. Will I be able to even pay it off? #studentloans #debt #loans #finance #financial-aid #college #money

Jason’s Avatar
Jason May 25, 2018 1032 views

Does it make sense to borrow money without getting a student loan?

The financial aid package for my graduate program includes only direct unsubsidized graduate loans. These loans have high interest rates and bad conditions. My tuition is very expensive and I am not receiving enough scholarship money to cover tuition, even if I get a high-paying part-time...

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Jan 15, 2018 953 views

When thinking of a career path should I have how much debt I will be in after college in mind?

I want to work for a volunteer organization or other low profitable jobs, but I also want to get a college degree. I'm just wondering if it would be smarter/worth it to wait a few years after college before going into a low profitable career because of money? #international-affairs...

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Jan 16, 2018 1034 views

With all the expenses that come with adulthood (bills, food, rent, etc.), how do you balance them all and anticipate surprise costs?

All of these expenses add on top of your student debt, so how do you handle them for a stable financial future? #student-loans #student-debt #debt #financial-planning #financial-aid #financial-services #scholarships #money-management

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Mar 27, 2018 965 views

Can you appeal for more financial aid? If so, how?

I want to get the maximum amount of financial aid possible because I am scared I will be in loads of debt. #debt #student-debt ##debtfree #financial-aid #financial-services

Nata’s Avatar
Nata May 01, 2018 1427 views

What should I do? Need your advice

I was accepted to a few Colleges that I really like, but Financial aid didn't cover the full cost. My financial situation isn't great. What should I do? #college #financial-services #financial-aid

Vita’s Avatar
Vita May 24, 2016 3258 views

How important is it to maintain a good relationship with your professors?

The rigor of school is stressful as it is with out trying to have a social life. Recommendation letters and networking is obvious, but what other benefits can come from maintaining a strong bond with your professor? #professor #student #social #networking #recommendation

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Aug 31, 2018 984 views

If I’m sure that I am going to attend a community college because there is no way I can afford a University without scholarships covering most or all of my tuition, should I still apply to universities incase I am lucky enough to receive scholarships that will cover all of my tuition? Or is it best to only apply to a community college?

#highschoolsenior #applying #scholarships #communitycollege

Azra’s Avatar
Azra Mar 17, 2014 1449 views

Does the tuition of private colleges cover meal plans and room&board

I am interested in attending a private school #college #tuition

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Aug 14, 2020 939 views

where do I start looking for my first time job?

I am in 11th grade and want to work at a game store #jobs

Azra’s Avatar
Azra Mar 18, 2014 1239 views

Is it hard finding a job in college?

With school and studying, is it hard to find a job that can cover your needs? Do jobs higher many college students? #jobs

Leslie’s Avatar
Leslie Aug 13, 2018 1398 views

What are some of the best guidelines when writing a scholarship essay?

I have been looking at scholarships to help pay my tuition and realize that most of them require some form of essay writing.I tried a couple but didn't succeed and I believe its my essay writing skills that's my biggest challenge.What are some essay writing tips to consider when writing a...

M’s Avatar
M Apr 28, 2018 1309 views

Are there scholarships that cover living expenses?

Now that I'll be attending college full time, it means I'll have to work part time to cover my living expenses. However, I foresee having miscellaneous expenses at school such as materials, books, etc. #college #scholarships

Jonathon’s Avatar
Jonathon Sep 15, 2014 2387 views

What career would fit me best?

I have to pick a career for my English class and since im a senior, I would like to pick something I am actually considering going into but I have no idea what I should pick. I am a senior in high school and i am creative. i like helping people by giving them advice or talking them through a...

Mekhi’s Avatar
Mekhi Dec 04, 2014 3590 views

What are some of the major topics covered during an average economics course in college?

I am asking this question because I have an interest in business/economics and wanted to know more about what was covered in a economics class. #money #money-management #bussiness #stock-market #macro-economics