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Eric Willisson’s Avatar

Eric Willisson

Software Engineer at Google
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cambridge, Massachusetts
79 Answers
298851 Reads
1391 Karma


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Gerardo’s Avatar
Gerardo Sep 24, 2018 1360 views

I want to major in computer science. What classes should I take?

I want to do something like cyber security or write code for companys. #computer-science #programming #computer-engineering #computer-software

Gerardo’s Avatar
Gerardo Sep 24, 2018 999 views

What kind of math is required for computer science?

#computer-science #math #computer #computer-programming

Avika’s Avatar
Avika Mar 15, 2018 1104 views

What are the hardest parts of learning to code?

I am going to be majoring in computer science so I want to know and start preparing.

#computer-science #technology

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jan 17, 2018 2423 views

What are some good ways to study Computer Science?

#women-in-tech #technology #computer-science #computer-engineering

Agustin’s Avatar
Agustin Jan 16, 2018 775 views

What can be a good resume builder for a programmer?

Many programmers can all write in different languages, so what is something that could be added to a resume to make one stand out more? #programming

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Sep 01, 2017 1046 views

How should students apply knowledge to best prepare for their dream job?

Many students enjoy their education immensely and put in a lot of work to excel at their field of study, but is it truly preparing them for their dream job? Sometimes education can be generalized and it would be nice for students to have some idea of what they could be doing to develop real...

dat’s Avatar
dat Jan 17, 2018 1017 views

Where can I expect to be in five years?

As a computer science student, the road to have a successful career are so uncertain because the field changes as the world is constantly changing. In five years, will I see myself be working for desired firms like Microsoft, HP, or even Google?
#technology #computer-science

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jan 24, 2018 826 views

How relevant is computer science, in today's world, in comparison to other majors?

Studying #computer-science at UIC is a lofty ordeal indeed. Me and my classmates spend long hours and days completing arduous assignments, learning dense material, and studying for exams. Meanwhile, other majors require less effort and time, while still others require more. This leaves me...

Jarrett’s Avatar
Jarrett Sep 01, 2017 1766 views

What are the basic differences between a Computer Science major and a Computer Programming major?

I am interested in majoring in something to do with Computers, whether that be engineering, programming, etc, and I would like to know the basic differences between such majors. #computers #computer-science

preethi’s Avatar
preethi Mar 14, 2017 3385 views

what are the skills required to become a junior front end web developer?

I'm a computer science student looking to start a career as a front end web developer #software #software-engineering #software-development #web-development #website-creation #frontend-developer #front-end-development

zackery’s Avatar
zackery Feb 14, 2017 1243 views

how do I get into web design

Want to get ready for the future #technology #web-design

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 3284 views

What subjects are best to study before university/college? (computer science)

If school does not offer computer science as a subject to study at A-Level, what are the best subjects to study in preparation for a computer science degree? #college #computer-science #university #student

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1490 views

Is taking a year out of university/college to gain a year of experience in industry really necessary?

Obviously gaining industry experience before graduating is great but how important would you rate it? Would it strongly differentiate between two potential candidates? How valued for a graduate job would it be? Even if the experience isn't completely relevant to the job. Are graduates looked...

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jan 28, 2017 2013 views

Will a TI-84 or similar graphing calculator ever come in handy in software development, or will I only ever need it for school?

I'm curious whether it would make more sense to sell my TI-84 when I'm done with the math classes for my degree, or to hold onto it. #computer-science #computer-software #software-engineering #computer-programming #software-development #software-design

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 4442 views

How is it working as a female in a predominantly male environment?

Studying computer science, 95% of the students are male and it isn't rare to be talked down to by male students on the occasion. I was wondering how it is in the workplace if it is mainly a male environment? #computer-science #career #technology #job #graduate #female #workplace

Bill’s Avatar
Bill Oct 29, 2016 1123 views

Computer science

How can computer science relate to virtual reality? #computer-science #technology #gaming #virtual-reality

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 16, 2017 3575 views

What is a cover letter, and how do you write an effective one?

I am currently applying for internships online, and along with my resume, they often ask me to include a cover letter. I am not sure how to write one, or what it should be about. What do I include in the cover letter? Is there a general format to follow? #college #computer-software #internships...

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Dec 10, 2016 1267 views

What is the most demanding programming language in today's market?

I want to start learning programming, but I'm not sure which language I should begin with. #programming

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Oct 25, 2016 1375 views

How do you know if you would love a programming career?

Hi, I'm currently a student considering a major in computer science. I love programming and have done it since I was a child (literally child, started in 5th grade) but I recently applied and started working at a start-up company and have been hating it. I can't tell if this is because I am in...

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Oct 30, 2016 1526 views

What is the best computer language to start learning?

Different colleges start programming classes with different programming language. I want to know what might be the smartest language for them to teach to help me choose the college experience that might help me the most. #computer-software

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 26, 2016 1206 views

How deep into math will I have to delve for a CS degree?

I'm ending military service and am thinking about a CS degree. I'm just worried that my sparse background in math will hinder my plans. Am I right to be worried? #computer-science #information-technology

Shruthi’s Avatar
Shruthi Oct 20, 2016 1145 views

How do I, as a high schooler, figure out exactly what I'm interested in career wise?

All my life, I've always wanted to go into medicine, but recently I've been having doubts as 10 years of medical school sounds daunting and expensive. I'm trying to look for more options and see if medicine truly is the path for me so I'm taking a lot of experimental classes such as computer...

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Oct 31, 2016 1195 views

Can someone explain Data Mining?

I've heard about this field of study under computer science called Data mining. I wanted to know exactly what it was and how difficult it is. #computer-software #cyber-security

Kaleb’s Avatar
Kaleb Oct 23, 2016 1022 views

How much does living away from a city affect job opportunities?

I am interested in living in a suburban or rural area while working in computer science. My concern is that intuition leads me to think that most of these jobs would be in large cities. Is that accurate? How much is pay affected? #computer-science

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Oct 09, 2016 1387 views

Any set of skills that someone should have when pursuing software development?

I was just hoping for someone to answer with a set of skills that someone should already have and then what they will be gaining when pursuing software development. I happen to think software development is interesting, so I was just wondering some stuff about it. #software-engineering...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Oct 25, 2016 1723 views

What are the most challenging things in trying to engineer new products or technologies?

I am a freshman in high school; thus, I have a little while to think about my possible career paths. I have always wanted to go into the medical field until recently, when engineering caught my eye. I always see companies coming up with the newest technologies that can do extraordinary things...

Jaime’s Avatar
Jaime Oct 31, 2016 1000 views

When figuring out a way in creating/fixing something in college is it best to work with a partner or to work alone?

I tend to work best alone but i would like to know weather it is best to work with a partner in college or if it doesn't really matter. #computer-science #engineering #mechanical-engineering #electrical-engineering

Bryce’s Avatar
Bryce Oct 25, 2016 1450 views

What are the most used computer programming languages in your work environment?

I'm curious as to what languages I would be using if I went into this field. I've learned some of the basics of Python in my AP Computer Science course at my school but that is about it. I'd like to get an edge going into college , and make sure I know the needed languages before entering the...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 26, 2016 1333 views

What's the practical difference between a Computer Science degree and a Software Engineering degree?

I'm trying to narrow down my choice for a major, and am wondering what I could expect to be the difference between the two on a practical level? Classes, job opportunities, etc. #computer-science #software-engineering

Darius’s Avatar
Darius Oct 25, 2016 1060 views

Do computer software engineers improve applications for phones or strictly computers?

I only have a vague knowledge at the moment of what a computer software engineer typically works on and I'm curious as to if their limited to innovating on laptop and desktop computers or if they can also extend their reach to devices like cell phones and game systems as well....