Samantha Brooks
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How would data science be used in accounting?
Would it analyze ways to boost revenue and control expenses?

When is a good time to actually start with digital forensics stuff, like is it okay to start looking into it in high school?
I’m a junior in high school and really want to go in to a field using digital forensics, but i feel kinda weird doing this type of stuff in high school.

Schools for forensic accounting?
What is the best school for forensic accounting?

What would I have to do to pursue being a detective?
I've recently noticed my interest in problem solving , mystery's. I've also noticed my decent analytical skills and thought about becoming some sort of detective or lawyer down the road when wondering what should I do with my life

How do I decide what type of job or career or profession I want?
I don't really know what I want to be yet and it has always been a trick question since I was a kid and I am still not really sure with it now but I do know I want to get higher education like university or collage but I have nothing really pushing me.

How did you know this career was for you?
I have a few different career pathways I want to go into. I don’t know which one to choose or how to choose.

What's the most valuable lesson after you graduate college?
this could be in a more general sense, but I just want any answer, this could be more in a philosophical way.

What is the best studying method for unmotivated student?
I'm a high school senior and about to get into college, but I lost motivation. I know college is completely different from high school, it's more complicated and I don't feel prepared to go to college, but it's what I always wanted. Going to college has always been one of my goals.

How do I start my career in accounting?
I am a student In the 12th grade and I am looking into pursuing in accounting after high school. However, I have no idea where or when to start.

What do accountants do?
What are the responsibilities of an accountant? What does a day in the life look like?

What jobs are there with a degree in accounting besides an accountant?
Hello, I am a senior in high school. After college I plan on becoming a public accountant but I will still like to learn about other options because just because you have a degree in accounting doesn't mean you have to be a public/private accountant, auditor, tax person, etc. I will either...

What should I look for in a job as an office administrator?
Give me tips on what I should know and look for before entering a job