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Pooja Jamakhandimath’s Avatar

Pooja Jamakhandimath

3 Answers
7183 Reads
1 Karma
Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 13, 2019 1412 views

Moving into Management

How do you move into management without prior management experience? #management #business

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Feb 23, 2021 692 views

I have an offer that expires before I get a final decision from other summer programs. What are my options and what should I do?

Good news: I've received an offer for a physics REU at the University of Arkansas! Bad news: I need to respond by Feb 26th, even though final decisions from other REUs, national labs, and NASA come in early March. What are my options? I've already asked if my application review could be...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Apr 27, 2016 7333 views

What companies/occupations make it their job to find flaws?

I am asking because this is something I might like to do. I do happen to watch a lot of movies and was wondering if movies are not all lies. To be specific, are there companies that get hired to try to disable a company's security system, find flaws in a website or app, or altering access cards...