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Barbara Roche’s Avatar

Barbara Roche

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Watchung, New Jersey
5 Answers
3230 Reads
1 Karma

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Pearl’s Avatar
Pearl Apr 20 782 views

What's the one simple habit that enhances all aspects of life?

I mean how does adopting that one habit positively impact mental, physical, and financial well-being?

Yili’s Avatar
Yili Feb 24, 2023 561 views

What are some careers related to art/ drawing?

I love drawing and usually draw digitally, always wanted a job involving art

john’s Avatar
john Feb 23, 2023 796 views

what career path will I take?

I want to build stuff with my own hands and not sit in a chair all day doing work because that is boring. I hope to get a collage degree to get a well paying job, Because then when I retire I will have money to relax

Baruch’s Avatar
Baruch Nov 09, 2022 510 views

What safety protocols do you follow to keep yourself and your team safe?

Filler question, to be honest, but I assume most automotive careers start off uncomfortable as they take place in challenging environments, but what steps are generally taken to ensure the most comfortable experience possible?

lydarrien’s Avatar
lydarrien Nov 13, 2020 1166 views

What does it take to become a veterinarian?

I am a sophomore that loves pets; the health and training of pets means a lot to me, but what will i have to accomplish to complete this dream? #health #veterinarian