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Stanford, California
10 Questions
891 Karma

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farheen Jun 06, 2016 1597 views

I can't understand biology subject so what should I do to understand this subject

For pass the 10th class

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farheen May 20, 2016 1062 views

i want to become P.M so what should i educate to become P.M (prime minister)?

I'm interested in helping poor people in the future.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #career #higher-education #government

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farheen May 20, 2016 1519 views

How do i become a pro basketball player?

I'm interested in playing basketball and would like to win a championship.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #career #sports #basketball #athletics

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farheen May 20, 2016 703 views

i want to become a police officer what shall i do what courses i do

for my future

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farheen May 19, 2016 1889 views

What are good jobs that involve hard work?

i want a great job that involves hard work in the future.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #career #career-counseling #career-choice

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farheen May 19, 2016 819 views

i want to be a police officer what courses should i do to become a police

this is my dream

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farheen May 19, 2016 1346 views

After college i want to job but i am worried about that

what shall i do plz give me suggestion

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farheen May 17, 2016 1168 views

How do I improve my skills in biology?

I'm in 10th standard currently. #science #biology #college #career-counseling

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farheen May 14, 2016 708 views

i want to be a singer .what i do when i m concentrating my singing its harmful for my study or not

after intermediate

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farheen May 02, 2016 1281 views

I am interested in Computer Engineering but I don t know what courses there are.

what courses are there when i complete my school? #computer-software #computer-engineering