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Cindy Wan’s Avatar

Cindy Wan

Austin, Texas
3 Answers
2270 Reads
1 Karma

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Mona’s Avatar
Mona Jun 14, 2021 780 views

How is life after High School

I have a bunch of goals that I want to complete just like staying on top of my work, being productive, having more of a schedule than being all over the place but I want to know how life is after high school is it hard? #high-school #college

Idris’s Avatar
Idris Mar 20, 2019 1375 views

Which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager (Product Owner) role?

Hey there, Please advise, which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager role? And what is the further carrier path options available for IT Product Manager? What are the key competence required for Product Manager role? Thank you. #IT #ProductManager...

Ronaldo’s Avatar
Ronaldo Jun 12, 2021 450 views

What are the classes you need to be a business administrator?

Does it matter which school you take business administrating in? #business