Sara Hughes
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What are some things I should save up for as 16 year old?
I'm going to start working and need to know what to save up on.

Are these common interview questions?
I feel these questions are examples. Can you tell me a little about yourself? Why do you want this job? Why should we hire you? What are your salary requirements? Do you have any questions for us? What is your greatest strength? #commoninterviewquestions #interview # interviewquestion

Finance or Business Analytics
I would love to pursue a degree in Business Administration but not sure majoring which of the above . #business #finance #business-management

When asked "What are your strengths?" Should I list my strengths with examples or just strengths alone?
When asked "What are your strengths?" Should I list my strengths with examples or just strengths alone? #Interview

What do I wear for an interview?
I've always wondered what is considered appropriate for an interview. I went with a short sleeve shirt to an interview, but I was then told that I had to wear a long sleeve.
#interview #interviews #interviewing #job-interview #interviewing-skills

Other than a degree, what other skills are necessary in a marketing career?
What other skills come in handy or look good on a resume for a marketing career? #JULY20 #career #career-path #resume #skills #marketing

What career path is right for me
#management #sales #business-management #entrepreneur

What is a career that involves business and travel?
#traveling #business #travel #international #jrhighschool #college #profit #income #stocks #companies

What specific jobs can you get from a Marketing Major?
I'm an undecided college student who is interested in marketing.
#college #undecided #college-major #marketing #business