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Arvind Pandey’s Avatar

Arvind Pandey

Engineering and Sports
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
7 Answers
7217 Reads
21 Karma

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Tahjib’s Avatar
Tahjib Sep 19, 2024 2215 views

Which software language is most versatile and also future proof?

I am studying CIS

Elijah’s Avatar
Elijah Sep 28, 2023 703 views

What are some helpful high school classes that I should take if I want to get a career in software engineering?

I am currently very familiar with coding and I'm good at math as well. I also am very interested in graphic design and 3D modeling. I like coding and doing 3D work in Blender in my freetime.

Allwyn’s Avatar
Allwyn May 24, 2022 778 views

Currently iam at the end semester of aeronautical engineering, iam totally fed up with the degree but i had interest to do masters in renewable energy, is that good idea!! For career shifting confused, pls help me

Currently iam at the end semester of aeronautical engineering, iam totally fed up with the degree but i had interest to do masters in renewable energy, is that good idea!! For career shifting confused, pls help me

Jervoris’s Avatar
Jervoris Apr 26, 2022 642 views

Is coding a hard focus area for a Computer Engineer?

Hi, I am a senior Computer Engineering major. I have no experience in the field and I would like to be able to get into the field without being completely lost.

Ashya’s Avatar
Ashya Apr 15, 2020 770 views

what type of things does criminals think about on a day to day basis?

#law #psychology #brains #criminals

Saudah’s Avatar
Saudah Nov 18, 2021 736 views

How can I progress in the legal services industry?

I have a bachelors degree in psychology #psychology #law

Dieulens’s Avatar
Dieulens Jul 03, 2021 1716 views


I started learning to code in 11th grade but I was never into it. I participated in many workshops, different programs but I never seem to enjoy it. I love business, I love photography filmmaking I also love technology but not coding. My ultimate goal was a career in tech but it seems like I...