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Meg Needle’s Avatar

Meg Needle

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Chamblee, GA
2 Answers
3396 Reads
26 Karma

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Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Mar 10, 2023 2743 views

What are some activities I can do that will help me in the future if I want to become an architect?

I am currently a sophomore in high school and I am really looking into being an architect. I am trying to get more of an idea of things I can practice like some of the skills that will be necessary and other activities that can be good practice for a future job in architecture.

Treyanna’s Avatar
Treyanna Feb 04, 2023 845 views

1. How many years of experience do you have in your current field? 2. What does a typical workday look like for you? 3. What certifications would you recommend an entry-level architect to prioritize obtaining?

I am interested in becoming an Architect. I understand there are education requirements. I would like to discuss the topic with someone in this field..