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Meraf Lemma’s Avatar

Meraf Lemma

Healthcare Professional
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 Answers
7793 Reads
61 Karma



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Anita’s Avatar
Anita Apr 08, 2022 775 views

How long does becoming a pediatrician take?

Just wondering what the time span looks like, although i'm only a sophomore in high school.

JOYCE’s Avatar
JOYCE Aug 29, 2021 595 views

can b.a psychology lead to become a lawyer?

#psychology #college

Sophia Almira’s Avatar
Sophia Almira Aug 29, 2021 1437 views

What colleges offer Criminology/Forensic Psychology?

Hi! I'm currently in my first year of college, majoring in BA Psychology. I'm genuinely passionate about my course, but more so on Forensic/Criminal Psychology. However my college doesn't offer this specific class, only BA Psychology as a general course. So for my graduate studies, I want to...

Munira’s Avatar
Munira Aug 29, 2021 704 views

stuck between business and film majors

I'm struggling with what I want to major/study. I enjoy business and I really enjoy film. Should I pursue business major and a film minor? but I've heard those two studies are practically useless and I suppose the odds of succeeding are low. Economics is more in demand but I don't think I can...

manya’s Avatar
manya Aug 27, 2021 1049 views

I'm currently doing biology, chemistry and maths in my a-levels, but I want to do law in the future. How can I join these two diverse fields to make an attractive personal statement?

I'm average in my grades, I got 8 A*s in my gcse's and about to give my AS level boards in the feb march session. I, personally, do not like any of the subjects I do, ive never found a passion in studies but I believe law is a suitable course for me as I like to think of loopholes and interpret...

Edgar’s Avatar
Edgar Aug 18, 2021 547 views

What are the earnings of a pipefitter welding?

wage, salary, lifestyle #financial-planning #money

La’Daja’s Avatar
La’Daja Aug 17, 2021 493 views

Can a career goal be a want or need?


Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Aug 16, 2021 979 views

How do I quit a job I just started?

Hi Career Village community, I am sharing this with you all in hopes to hear your own wisdom, experiences, and life stories. I recently accepted my first full time, salaried position after graduating college at a little under $48k. A week in, I got an offer for at least $58k for another...

Autumn’s Avatar
Autumn Aug 11, 2021 471 views

What’s the best place to work when becoming a medical examiner

I’m 14 , my bday is January 19th and when I grow up I want to be a medical examiner #medical #doctor

Kori’s Avatar
Kori Aug 02, 2021 607 views

Are you happy?

I want to become the first surgeon in my family.#medicine #surgery #doctor