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Shane Mason’s Avatar

Shane Mason

Technical Sales Consultant
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Canton, Mississippi
6 Answers
3586 Reads
11 Karma

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Edgar’s Avatar
Edgar Aug 18, 2021 547 views

What are the earnings of a pipefitter welding?

wage, salary, lifestyle #financial-planning #money

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Jul 31, 2021 575 views

when going into college and trying to be a federal agent what is the best major?

#major #college

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 31, 2018 591 views

What is the importance of choosing a specific major when it comes to larger career fields?

I am personally interested in anything related to documentary, journalism, creative writing, and English, but don't know what job I want yet. What do you suggest I pick for my major in order to allow for the largest possible career options down the road? I know a lot of people end up doing...

airam’s Avatar
airam Aug 27, 2018 580 views

How will I know that the major that I chose is the one for me?

I really want to go into the medical field but also there is that feeling of wanting to become a teacher. I'm still going to apply for the medical field but I do not know if it is the one for me.

Richard’s Avatar
Richard Aug 09, 2021 647 views

how long does it take to get a license for making codes?

16 y/o and from detroit, mi #coding #technology

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Aug 16, 2021 1216 views

What does it take to be a Computer & Information System Manager?

#information-technology #computer #technology