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G Thom’s Avatar

G Thom

Information Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Florida City, Florida
5 Answers
6002 Reads
11 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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granger’s Avatar
granger Jan 24, 2023 1458 views

What skill sets are most important as an aircraft mechanic?

What skill sets are most important in your role?

Katlin’s Avatar
Katlin Jan 13, 2023 3051 views

What advice would you give yourself when you were just starting out?

I am in a trade school and will be taking office administration classes but I want to eventually open my own restaurant and am unsure of where to even begin this journey.

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Sep 14, 2021 642 views

What are some careers that are not talked about as much?


Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana Jul 30, 2021 662 views

Careers and yeah.

#career-choice How do you be able to do more then one career at a time.

Janiah’s Avatar
Janiah Aug 03, 2021 539 views

What are career goals

I love to go shopping and I love eating food #career-choice