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Colin’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
151 Karma

Colin’s Career Goals

I would like to become an artist that can make an impact.



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Colin’s Avatar
Colin Mar 25, 2022 559 views

In what ways can I use art to impact the world?

I have the skills and techniques for it, but I don't really have a purpose for them.

Colin’s Avatar
Colin Jan 28, 2022 625 views

What skills do I need in order to major in art?

I believe I have a sufficient understanding of art and I also have the skill to produce good art. Will an art major require a lot more techniques and will it be worth taking? #art #college #artist

Colin’s Avatar
Colin Jan 28, 2022 658 views

How will I be able to achieve the skills I need for computer science?

Do I need to learn outside of class or is class lectures sufficient enough? #computer-science #computer #computer-programming

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Colin Oct 05, 2021 588 views

What are some jobs that would allow me to work from home?

I am a senior in high school and I would like to work in the comfort of my own home. I have skills in art, video editing, and other technological skills. #jobs #general #career