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San Jose, California
4 Questions
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Kelly May 25, 2016 860 views

What if you don't qualify for financial aid to go to college because your parents make too much money, but your parents won't help you out to pay for college. What are other ways to pay for college.

My parents make too much money #degree #general

Kelly ’s Avatar
Kelly May 25, 2016 1014 views

Is California the best state to be in to have a good job in technology or are there other states as well.

I don't know if I want to live in California when I am older. #technology #degree

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Kelly May 18, 2016 1017 views

I really like engineering but people tell me there are a lot of engineering areas. What types of engineering areas are there and how can I combine that with technology?

i like engineering and technology. #engineer #technology

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Kelly May 06, 2016 1548 views

What kind of jobs are available in technology?

I like technology but I want to know what kind of jobs would I be able to do within this field. #technology #degree