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Vijayalakshmi M’s Avatar

Vijayalakshmi M

Software Developer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
4108 Reads
1 Karma

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Rosetta’s Avatar
Rosetta Oct 27, 2021 597 views

What books should I read to be a doctor?

#doctor #books

Zaliah’s Avatar
Zaliah Oct 25, 2021 2518 views

How do you manage a good work-life balance?

How do you manage a good work-life balance with your profession? #time-management #business

Idris’s Avatar
Idris Mar 20, 2019 1376 views

Which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager (Product Owner) role?

Hey there, Please advise, which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager role? And what is the further carrier path options available for IT Product Manager? What are the key competence required for Product Manager role? Thank you. #IT #ProductManager...