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Charese Tan’s Avatar

Charese Tan

Jersey City, New Jersey
5 Answers
4954 Reads
11 Karma

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Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Nov 07, 2021 559 views

what are some things you would've liked to know before pursuing the medical field ?

#medicine #doctor #college #advice

Gianna’s Avatar
Gianna Nov 11, 2021 635 views

How to choose a college based on being an orthopedic pediatrician?

I am in high school. I am 16 and I know that this is something I love doing. I love taking care of children and helping them as well. #doctor #college #healthcare #nursing

reign’s Avatar
reign Nov 12, 2021 534 views

what would i have to do to be a doctor

#veterinary #pediatrics #medical-school #doctor

carlos’s Avatar
carlos Nov 12, 2021 1357 views

what is the degree you need for photography

what is the specific degree that you need for #photography

Walker’s Avatar
Walker Nov 12, 2021 1915 views

What are some of the careers in physics?

I am a junior in High School, interested in physics and baseball, and I am looking to start my search for colleges. #physics #college