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Catrinel Răduți’s Avatar

Catrinel Răduți

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bucharest, Romania
3 Answers
1761 Reads
2 Karma

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Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Oct 25, 2022 797 views

Info on resume?

What would anyone say is the most important thing to put in a resume and how did anyone come to writing the resume that got you the job that you have.

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 13, 2018 1220 views

How can I better manage my time?

I am a full time mom, full time x-ray technologist and a full time student. What is a good way to manage my time so that I can give diligent attention to all my responsibilities? #time-management #momlife #healthcare #bachelorsdegree #Ialsoneedgymtime

Alejandro’s Avatar
Alejandro Jan 17, 2018 869 views

What is the best thing you can have on your resume for an architectural engineering internship?

Getting an internship is one of my goals after college and I just want to know what are one of the best things to have on your resume.
