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brody’s Avatar
brody Oct 06, 2022 1311 views

what are 5-10 specific things you do as a photonics engineer?

I've been looking into many engineering paths and one that interests me is photonics, and i was wondering what are some things/projects that you work with on a daily basis. Also do you work independently or with a team.

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Nov 09, 2022 653 views

What Are Good Studying Habits or Organization Skills to Improve throughout my first College year?

What are some studying habits to help yourself improve and does it matter to be organized and have everything planned out?

Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana May 19, 2016 1377 views

Physics or engineering?

I have been accepted to a four year college for Physics but am thinking about switching my major to engineering since there are more job opportunities as an engineer. Is this a good course of action or should I stick with what I'm passionate about - Physics? #engineer #physics

Arlen’s Avatar
Arlen Dec 24, 2021 804 views

I would like to know what the process is like, how is the work environment is in both fields, and if you had to go through the process again what would you have done differently? What career advice would you give me when entering the work force

I enjoy learning about space and physics. I am in the national guard as a uh-60 repair man an often around aircraft. #physics, #engineering, #college, #science, #career, #aerospace,#astrophysics

Alanis’s Avatar
Alanis Jan 09, 2022 857 views

Can I have an internship in a tech company being an International relations student?

#internship #business #technology #international-relations #IR #graduate-student #career-advice #techcareer