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Samuel’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
6 Questions
521 Karma

Samuel’s Career Goals

* I hope to find a job I like & make a decent amount of money. *I also don't know what I want to do career wise so.... I just care about having time for friends and family, while also making a decent amount of money.



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Samuel Mar 21, 2022 821 views

In-State or Out- of State?

Is it smarter to go to an in state college or university or an Out of state?

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Samuel Mar 21, 2022 607 views

What's Important for College

What's the most important thing (s) to bring to college ?
This can be skills or objects.
#prepared #college # collegelife

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Samuel Feb 09, 2022 779 views

What are some of the best colleges that accept those of the LGBTQ+ community

As a member of the LGBTQ+ Community I want the best education I can, but I want to go to a school that accepts me for me. #college #LGBTQ+ #education

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Samuel Feb 09, 2022 1588 views

What if I don't know what I want to do as a career in the future

As a high school student I find many things interesting, but I still don't know what I want to got to college for or even what I want to do as a career. I would appreciate any advice that helped you make this decision. #college #career-choice #career #student

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Samuel Feb 09, 2022 645 views

I'm getting letters from colleges, but what exactly do I do?

I'm getting letters left and right from different colleges, but I have no idea what I want to go to college for yet. #college-advice #college-admissions #college-major #career

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Samuel Feb 09, 2022 1372 views

As a current high school student what college courses do you recommend we take before going to college?

I'm currently taking AP Biology, and a college US History. I was just curious if there are any classes that I could benefit from in high school, before going to college. #college #biology #high-school #history