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Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Jul 02, 2023 518 views

My question is what is a good routine or habit that I can build that will help me in college. Also how can I achieve this and I would also like advice on some of the best colleges out there.?

My question is what is a good routine or habit that I can build that will help me in college. Also how can I achieve this and I would also like advice on some of the best colleges out there.

Brooklynn’s Avatar
Brooklynn May 28, 2023 508 views

What’s the best way to manage money ?

I get paid every week and it’s all gone by the end of that same day i owe people money and I end up not being able to cause I’m spending it on stuff Ik I don’t need

Giovanny’s Avatar
Giovanny May 28, 2023 530 views

How can I Succed during college?

What is helpful to become successful throughout out college?

Layla’s Avatar
Layla May 29, 2023 318 views

What made you want to create a to-do list.

I want to keep up on important task I need to stop also I need to stop procrastinating so much and I think am to-do list can help with that. Also in order to remember all of the task I need to do.

Abbie’s Avatar
Abbie Mar 02, 2022 3034 views

What interests should I have if I want to got into event planning?

I'm a high schooler trying to figure out what would be a good career path for me. #career #career-path

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Mar 08, 2022 2225 views

How do you achieve work/life balance?

I recently finished up grad school and have entered the workforce as a mechanical engineer. Since there is so much to do, I have been staying up later to manage all the different projects I'm working on. It's a bit overwhelming. Any tips on how I can balance a heavy workload along with other...