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Canton, Georgia
5 Questions
301 Karma

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David May 03, 2022 976 views

Software Engineers; What was the first indicator you remember that made you seriously consider this job?

I'm researching the career for a class of mine and I was wondering when you realized that this job would be right for you. Was it something gradual or was it pretty obvious that you wanted to do this.

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David May 03, 2022 1981 views

Software Engineers; Do you have an office you commute to, or do you strictly work from home.

I am researching for a class of mine and I was wondering this.

David’s Avatar
David May 03, 2022 743 views

Software Engineers; How long is your average work day?

I'm just doing some research for a class of mine and i was wondering how long you work each day.

David’s Avatar
David Apr 29, 2022 717 views

Software Engineers; How difficult would you consider college to be for you?

I'm researching the career for a class right now and I was wondering if your major was very hard for you. I know that some may be easier than others.

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David Apr 29, 2022 4180 views

Software Engineers; How much do you travel for your job?

I am researching this career for one of my classes, and I was wondering if you travel for it.