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Srinivas Katta’s Avatar

Srinivas Katta

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Clinton, New Jersey
6 Answers
5023 Reads
1 Karma

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Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Jun 14, 2022 1025 views

CS intro class

I thank all the people who have given me the advice I can use. Would it be recommended to take an intro to the computer science class to see if I would like to major in Computer Science?

Lexis’s Avatar
Lexis Sep 24, 2019 598 views

What do find most enjoyable about being an anesthesiologist?

#career #anesthesiologist #medicine #healthcare

Wanzetta’s Avatar
Wanzetta Oct 27, 2020 1317 views

As a Neurosurgeon, how many years in total did it take to get where you are in your career today?

I am a high school sophomore and have always wanted to have some type of medical career. For the last couple of years, I've been leaning toward surgery and I'm really interested in the human brain which led me to Neurological Surgery as a specialty. I would love to hear from someone he's living...

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Jun 07, 2022 687 views

What are some hard-ships you encountered out the gate of job corps in computer tech?

I need some expectations on what challenges I might face after Job Corps.

Maxwell’s Avatar
Maxwell Jun 28, 2022 532 views

what do i need to know going into the maritime industry?

what is it like to work in the maritime industry? what are the daily duties ? what is the pay like? are there any promotions? what is the most important thing to know in the maritime industry?

Kadiatou’s Avatar
Kadiatou Jun 14, 2022 1427 views

How to audition for movies / TV shows?

I really don't know anything about that and needed to have further explications about finding the casting calls. I heard we need an agent for that, but i'm not sure.