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Denise A White’s Avatar

Denise A White

Write, Facilitate also a Retired Mathematics Educator
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Hugo, Minnesota
7 Answers
5756 Reads
21 Karma

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camryn’s Avatar
camryn Apr 24, 2023 1038 views

How do I start writing a book?

I want to write my own book but I'm not sure what steps I should take or how I should approach it. How do I come up with ideas for a story?

Cam’s Avatar
Cam Apr 13, 2023 1078 views

How can I become an author?

I'd really like to create books, but I don't know where to start. And as a 14 year old with no money, It's been hard to find a way to make some cash. I want to find the best way to write and publish books. Can you help me out?

Crimson’s Avatar
Crimson Feb 08, 2023 1769 views

Interested in teaching high-school level Mathematics.

What classes should I focus on and take in college? What colleges are best to become a math teacher? Is there any specific information I know before starting this college profession? How will a master's/bachelor's degree help me once I am out of college and should I focus on getting my...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Nov 10, 2022 593 views

How do I know if secondary or elementary education is right for me?

How will I know if secondary or elementary education is right for me? I know I want to teach special education I just don't know what age group I want to teach.

Jaymes’s Avatar
Jaymes Jun 02, 2015 1571 views

What are the best schools to attend to be a teacher?

I am a high school student in the 9th grade and I want to be a teacher. #teaching #teacher #professors #principal

Micayla’s Avatar
Micayla May 18, 2016 1246 views

Are there a lot of teaching abroad opportunities available to teachers once they get their degree?

I am interested in going abroad but I am afraid that with being a teacher I will not have all the opportunities that someone from a different career might have. #teaching #teacher #principal

Rakesh’s Avatar
Rakesh Jun 22, 2016 822 views

In which stream i will take in my higher studies for educator?

I like very much to teach everyone. #teacher #any #principal