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Frank Clay, CSQE’s Avatar

Frank Clay, CSQE

Top Tier Consultant - ANSI Associate, QMS SME and Author
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
15 Answers
31539 Reads
131 Karma


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Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jul 30, 2016 2712 views

Am I required to have a Computer Science degree to become a Software Engineer? Do employers look more on the skill of the person than the degree? Also, do employers look down on people who do not have a Bachelor's Degree?

I'm a First year Computer Science Major. Also I'm taking a Udacity NanoDegree by Google in Android Development. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #technology #software-engineering #software-development #coding #development #personal-development #career-details #job-application

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jul 15, 2016 3378 views

What is a quality assurance software tester, and how is it differnt than a regular software tester?

I am interested in knowing the difference between the two. #technology

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jun 30, 2016 5338 views

DIfference between BA and BS degrees?

I am an astronomy/physics major and am currently pursuing a BS degree. I would like to ultimately work in a scientific discipline and/or for the government, and was wondering if a BS degree makes a big difference from a BA? What kind of job would a BA physics degree candidate be able to have?...

Keerthana’s Avatar
Keerthana Jul 01, 2016 896 views

· Where can I find more information about this career (i.e., Associations, on-line)?

for my career #doctor #engineer #teacher #teacher-training

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen Jul 01, 2016 848 views

What would be the appropriate way to get in touch with the professors in school?

Most of time, when we apply for scholarship or grad. school, it requires to have a letter of recommendation from professors, but it is not an easy thing to make the professors remember all of their students. I am wondering how I can make my professor know and remember me. #professor #relations

Amina’s Avatar
Amina Jul 01, 2016 948 views

When to start looking for a high paying job?

Should I start after- or during college? I am a little confused as to how the process works. #jobs

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Jun 22, 2016 1211 views

What are steps for me to take to be come Programmer?

Hi, i'm High school student I been here for 6 months in U.S. I found programming interesting. I am from Guatemala but in my country is difficult to achieve this, and I would like some help to achieve this goal.
Would love any help or advice!
#technology #programming #programmer #google

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jun 22, 2016 2248 views

How useful and effective is Goal Setting in the work environment?

Especially since a lot of companies and start-ups assign work and materials using deadlines. How can one still harness the power of goal setting in the workplace? #college #business #career #technology #professional #marketing

Elyzha’s Avatar
Elyzha Jun 04, 2016 1123 views

Knowing that computer science careers are male dominant, what are women's intake on their work experience working with mostly men and did they ever have to omit an idea for a project because they felt intimidated by men in their group?

I was educated with the facts that the computer science population consists of 80% male. It may seem like a blessing to be one of the 20% of women to make a change and have a voice in the technology field, but to other women, it may seem a bit intimidating. What are some of your personal...

Julian’s Avatar
Julian May 27, 2016 3857 views

How likely are big tech companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. going to pay for my Master's education in Computer Science?

I am a high school senior about to graduate and attend San Jose State University majoring in Computer Science. I intend to attain a B.S. degree in my major with an emphasis in software engineering. I did some research concerning the degrees associated with my major and found that the average...

Javier’s Avatar
Javier May 27, 2016 1130 views

What Is the average day of someone in the computer engineering, or scientist, space?

As I continue to decided what I want to do with my future career, I think of how the average work day is for each career. What are the average work hours? The average pay? The average amount of projects being worked on? etc. #computer-science #career #computer #technology #computer-engineering

Kelly ’s Avatar
Kelly May 25, 2016 1031 views

Is California the best state to be in to have a good job in technology or are there other states as well.

I don't know if I want to live in California when I am older. #technology #degree

Lindsay’s Avatar
Lindsay May 19, 2016 2067 views

How does a PhD program work as opposed to a Masters program? What does it entail?

Hi, I'm an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Spanish Translation & Interpretation and I'm interested in pursuing a Doctorate after I graduate. However, I've heard a number of different explanations of what a PhD program entails and I am honestly so...

Juliet’s Avatar
Juliet Apr 29, 2016 1882 views

What would a typical career path look like for a software engineer?

I'm wondering what my career path would look like if I became a software engineer. What exactly does an entry level job look like? How long would it be before I'd be able to get a better job? What is the most senior position you can have as a software engineer? #engineering #technology...

Sydnee’s Avatar
Sydnee May 19, 2016 1716 views

Engineering vs. Engineering Technology

What's the difference between these two majors from the stance of someone who has experienced practice in one or both? #engineering #technology #graduate #undergraduate