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Eric Shofe’s Avatar

Eric Shofe

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
San Francisco, California
6 Answers
8326 Reads
31 Karma

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jiafu’s Avatar
jiafu May 30, 2017 1241 views

Where can i get experience in animation and game development?

The job i want want requires 2+ years of experience in game development animating characters. #animation #computer-games #career-details

Maddy’s Avatar
Maddy May 03, 2017 1545 views

How to learn how to make a full anime episodes?

Hello I really need help. I'm in an art class with a group of art students and we draw anime characters and others kind of art work. We just had an idea to make or learn how to make a full anime episode and need suggestions! It's dream and to my friends! #japan #animation #3d-animation...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph May 22, 2016 1871 views

How do I create 2d/3d animations for a mobile app I want to make? Are there free software tools I can use to draw my own animations? How do I import the animations/graphics into my mobile app?

I am creating a mobile app for IOS. I have someone that will be handling the coding but I am responsible for sending him the 3d/2d animations and sounds that are supposed to be in my app. I do not know where to start. I heard that for andriod apps, a software called open graphics library is...

Sammy ’s Avatar
Sammy May 18, 2016 1092 views

How long does it take to have a game designer degree? Would college be expensive for a game design degree? What if I can't afford college, is there something or somewhere were I can learn from?

I don't think I could afford college in the future. #design #game

Calvin’s Avatar
Calvin May 17, 2016 1411 views

What should I expect to run into when going into a degree for game development?

I've always been fascinated with gaming's ability to create worlds for everyone to enjoy, but I know that developing games is anything but a cakewalk. What subjects and technologies should I expect to run into for a game development degree? #video-games #game-development #video-game-development...

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler May 19, 2016 1176 views

What is the most important skill from a high school graphics class that you used in college, and at your job?

I would like to someday be a graphic designer, and I would like to know a little more about the field before I decide if that's what I want to go earn a degree for. #graphic-designer #personal-development #art