Career questions tagged unity3d

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Kelvin649 views

How to get into C++?

How should I get started in game design with C++? This is because I've attempted to learn the coding language for Unity game development to no avail. I am genuinely curious about what I can do to truly get into the sphere of 2D game development.

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Alexandra1398 views

Tutorials for using Unity paired with Autodesk Maya?

I am currently a psych major, but I'm very interested in computers in my free time. I'm a gamer and I've always really wanted to experiment with creation in Unity. My understanding is that AutoDesk Maya offers a 3-year free trial for students, and that it can be used to create .obj files or animations for use in games. I'm wondering where I can go to learn how to use either of these programs, really just to experiment. Are there any locations online that offer tutorials or advice specifically for these two programs? I'd love to pursue this interest. Thanks in advance! #computer-science #computer-software #computer #video-games #computer-games #unity3d #autodesk #unity2d

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kiran1465 views

what course should i take to do LLB in

i writte my 2nd puc examination, waiting for the result #tech #soccer #teach #legal #unity3d #commercials #e-commerce #junit

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leo895 views

how many hour without my family am i gonna be working?

because i want to know if i'm gonna have time to be with my family or if i'm gonna be all the day working. #unity3d

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Hajira1218 views

how to become a mentor?

Because its my favorite and my dream #work #policy #unity3d

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