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Dau Sam’s Avatar

Dau Sam

San Francisco, California
3 Questions
226 Karma

Dau Sam’s Career Goals

I want to see if being an architect can be my future.



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Dau Sam’s Avatar
Dau Sam May 22, 2023 1057 views

How important is a college education in our day and age when it comes to getting a decent Job?

I am curious due to many people´s conflicting comments about the subject of college and if it is worth the time and money to complete it and get a degree.

Dau Sam’s Avatar
Dau Sam May 22, 2023 393 views

What type of preparations should I take in order to get an Architecture or Construction Management job?

I would love to know what sort of topics I should study and what courses I should consider in college for this type of work and if there are things i should know beforehand.

Dau Sam’s Avatar
Dau Sam Sep 27, 2022 471 views

What Jobs provide a easier path than most but is still worth the money/time?

For example a job with a not so hard major or maybe doesn't even need a college degree at all. But this job is good enough to provide stable living and flexibility.