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Rachel’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
241 Karma

Rachel’s Career Goals

In college, I want to study a subject related to human anatomy, which can focus my attention on medicine.



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Rachel Feb 17, 2023 995 views

How can I start making connections with experienced individuals who are in the same career path that I am interested in?

I'm a senior in high school and I am interested in the medical field, specifically hoping to become a surgeon.

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Rachel Nov 04, 2022 655 views

What is the hardest part about being in med school?

I am interested in the medical field after graduating high school but am intimidated by the medical field because of how much there is to learn.

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Rachel Nov 04, 2022 476 views

What should I major in if I'm interested in becoming a surgeon?

I am a Senior in high school seeking a suitable major in college that will be most beneficial for my pathway of choice.

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Rachel Oct 03, 2022 1310 views

What is the first step to finding a suitable career for me?

I am a senior in high school.