Moe Khan
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What job options are there for a computer scientist?
I plan to major in computer science, and am interested in what type of careers people get when a degree in computer science. #computer-science #computer-software

I want to become a computer engineer. What steps do I have to take?
I have completed 10th and I work hard. #computer-science #computer-software #software-engineering

what is computer science?
interested in the field but do not exactly understand what it is. #college #computer-science #computer-software #engineering #science #software

who created operating systems?
I want to work on creating operating systems for my career.
[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #computer-software #computer #higher-education #operating-systems

What is the best computer language to start learning?
Different colleges start programming classes with different programming language. I want to know what might be the smartest language for them to teach to help me choose the college experience that might help me the most. #computer-software

How much computer science experience do I need before I decide to major in that in college?
I want to major in computer science because I think it's a really cool subject and I want to learn more, but I feel like I don't have as much experience as everyone else who majors in that. I'm in AP computer science right now and I'm getting it as I go along, but everyone else in the class is...

What is the most important/helpful thing that will be useful in learning computer engineering?
I know that to get a degree in computer engineering there are a lot of very difficult things to learn and I would like to know what helped people before me complete their bachelors degree in computer engineering. #computer-software #engineering

Should I Focus On One Programming Language Or More?
I have learned the basics Java and Visual Basic in school. Should I try to master one language or add more to my repertoire? I have been contemplating learning C# and Python. #computer-software #programming

What are some great resources in order for me to learn programming?
I am very interested in developing software and computer codes. It's very difficult for me to find out where to start. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #computer-programming

How to find Jobs after doing Masters in Computer Science
I am doing Masters in CS from University of Houston. I wanted to Know how to look for Jobs after masters #college #computer-software #career #programming #job-search #resume #portfolio-management