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San Jose, California
4 Questions
81 Karma

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valentin Oct 26, 2022 492 views

What is the most tedious issue of being an auto mechanic when dealing with mechanical components?

What is the most tedious issue of being an auto mechanic when dealing with mechanical components?

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valentin Oct 26, 2022 1254 views

What should I expect when being an auto mechanic like do you get overwhelmed with the workload if a lot of cars come in?

What should I expect when being an auto mechanic like do you get overwhelmed with the workload if a lot of cars come in?

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valentin Oct 26, 2022 404 views

How has being an automotive mechanic benefitted your life does it get easier with experience??

How has being an automotive mechanic benefitted your life? does it get easier with experience?

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valentin Oct 26, 2022 353 views

what kind of problems do you deal with as an automotive repair ?

what kind of problems do you deal with as an automotive repairman, what's the most tedious common issue with dealing with vehicles that come in?