CHIBUZOR’s Career Goals
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I would like to know how much an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident makes in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22
How much does an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident make in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22

Would it be respected and accepted to become a male Obstetrician and Gynecologist in USA?
Good day! I’m a 5th year medical student. I’m male and I’m honestly considering pursuing becoming an Obgyn. I would like to know if I’ll be respected, accepted and how many hours in a week I’ll be expected to work in residency, fellowship and as a Consultant. Also how much money I’ll be able...

I am a 5th year Medical student and I will like to know if becoming a Surgeon is worth it
I am a 5th year Medical student and I am currently looking into choosing Surgery as a profession.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a Surgeon, are the long hours worth it?