Career questions tagged gynocologist

What is the work environment like for OBGYNs?
Hello! My name is Vy and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the OBGYN field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers

I would like to know how much an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident makes in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22
How much does an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident make in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22

What is a better place to work at as an OB/GYN: a clinic or a hospital?
No one on the internet seems to have a solid answer for this question so I am consulting the career village experts to help me way the pros and cons of working at both including the salary and work hours for both. #obstetrics #hospitals #ob-gyn #gynocologist #clinics #financial-planning

What is the starting salary for a pediatrician in the state of Alabama?
I am asking my question because this is the career field I am pursuing when I go to college next fall . #doctor #nursing #pediatrics #dentistry #pediatric-nursing #gynocologist #financial-planning

How do people in the medical field deal with death on a daily basis?
I will be an obgyn hopefully one day and I want an idea #medicine #obstetrics #obgyn #gynocologist #pre