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Hany Abdulfattah’s Avatar

Hany Abdulfattah

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait
14 Answers
29530 Reads
11 Karma

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Nishka’s Avatar
Nishka Sep 25, 2023 994 views

How do I gain more traction and volunteers for a non-profit I am creating as a high-schooler ?

I want to create a non-profit to connect to women and children in need, providing them with food and clothing. How can I gain volunteers and how can I contact organizations to let us assist?

Harmony’s Avatar
Harmony Sep 25, 2023 482 views

Who do I go to for help?

How do I find more hands on opportunities in the med field as a sophomore ? Where and who should I go to for mentorship and guidance other than people on line.

Aditi’s Avatar
Aditi Sep 24, 2023 546 views

Where should I start my college essay for a pre med track?

What activities should i do to be ahead for a premed teack?

Jenifer’s Avatar
Jenifer Sep 26, 2023 528 views

What is the best way to know if your financial stable for college?

How to know what college is best for you? How do you get financial help? How can you avoid student debt?

Raissa’s Avatar
Raissa Sep 25, 2023 11290 views

What do i have to major in to become an anesthesiologist?

I am a senior in high school and i want to become one, i just don't know what i need to study. I have looked it up before but i could never really find the answer.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Sep 10, 2023 699 views

What do I need to focus on for college apps?

What are the most important aspects of a college application. My dream school is Stanford. What parts of my application should I focus on the most and is there any template or key words I can use?

Sylvia’s Avatar
Sylvia Sep 10, 2023 3636 views

What would the best college to study forensic anthology?

I really wanna me a forensic anthropologist and I was wondering what college would be the best to study at

Priscilla’s Avatar
Priscilla Sep 10, 2023 855 views

Why did you decide to become a nurse practitioner?

Why did you decide to be a nurse practitioner and not a physician assistant?

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Aug 29, 2023 3881 views

What are good colleges for nursing?

I'm in 11th grade and I want to know what are good colleges for nursing so i can apply for next year.

Jolie’s Avatar
Jolie Aug 27, 2023 892 views

Are there different types of radiologists, and if so, what is the difference between them?

I am interested in radiology but feel like I need to become more educated on what it really is and how to get there.

Eddie’s Avatar
Eddie Aug 27, 2023 1107 views

What classes should I take in high school to be a child life specialist?

I’m currently a sophomore in high school and I want to be a child life specialist. I’m not sure what to study in college or what AP classes would be helpful. I’m currently enrolled in principles of education and training where I will eventually work with preschool aged kids and am in a health...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 23, 2023 712 views

What is an uncommon job (or one that people maybe don’t think of when they think of medical jobs) in the medical field that pays well, yet requires minimal schooling?

What is an uncommon job in the medical field that pays well, yet requires minimal schooling?

Josette’s Avatar
Josette Apr 09, 2023 440 views

What is the best studying method for an unmotivated student?

What is the best studying method for an unmotivated student?

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Apr 03, 2023 2679 views

What would be the best college for medical school? ?

I have been wanting to ask thi and is there any good colleges in the Midwest for medical school?