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Ai Vy’s Avatar
Ai Vy Nov 09, 2022 540 views

To what extent does the "college experience" (drinking, partying, fraternities, etc.) distract from the true purpose of college--education?

To what extent does the "college experience" (drinking, partying, fraternities, etc.) distract from the true purpose of college--education?

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia Oct 25, 2022 848 views

What certificate should I take in business If I want to create my own Etsy shop in the future?

I'm planning on attending community college soon. For my Etsy shop I want to create stickers, slimes and pins. What certificate will help me stand out?

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Oct 31, 2022 1037 views

How difficult is it to start a business and what is the process?

How difficult is it to start a business and what is the process

Colson’s Avatar
Colson Nov 10, 2022 774 views

Which career path should I choose if I like music, engineering, and art equally?

I am equally interested in engineering, playing music, and drawing. Which one should I choose?

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Nov 10, 2022 700 views

Types of Goals?

How can you find your goals in life if you're struggling with what career path you wanna go down?

Carlina’s Avatar
Carlina Nov 09, 2022 655 views

What is the best direction if you want to become a 2D Animator?

I'm currently a senior in high school, aiming to become a 2D Animator, but I don't know the best way to achieve that goal efficiently in a way that works best for me. I still want to review basic drawing skills while also developing new animation skills so I can build a career out of what I...