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San Jose, California
3 Questions
236 Karma

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Kyrese Nov 16, 2022 768 views

How are working conditions in programming and I.T careers ?

Are you constantly in an office or do you work from home due to covid? Do employees often work together or have many personal duties for other companies with specific due dates?

Kyrese’s Avatar
Kyrese Nov 16, 2022 1203 views

How hard is it to advance within Programming and I.T Jobs?

If I was working for a huge or even small company, Is there options to advance in the company becoming a team leader, manager, or even CEO how long would it take?

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Kyrese Nov 16, 2022 674 views

What is the biggest requirement for new applicants in Programming and coding?

In computer information or I.T jobs, what's more, important to have experience or credentials?