Kyra’s Career Goals
I want to be a Forensic Pathologist and help people figure out what happened to their loved ones... I'm still waiting to figure out what happened to mine.

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My new school doesn't have the AP classes I was taking what do I do?
Its the end of my freshman year of highschool and I am moving to a really small town and they don't supply the AP classes and College classes I need and was previously taking. What do I do? Is there anyway I can still take those classes?

Should I join Clubs?
Should I join any clubs that aren't related to medicine, science, or math in high school? If yes, what are some excellent suggestions and why?

Graduating early?
What are some good ways to graduate early? How can I graduate by my sophomore year in highschool as a freshman?

Best way to get into forensics?
What is the best way to kick-start a career path in forensic pathology starting in Highschool?

Good Colleges for Forensics?
What are some good colleges to get into to become a Forensic Pathologist?

Highschool Classes to become a Forensic pathologist?
What classes in Highschool should I take to become a Forensic Pathologist?