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Sharmistha Das’s Avatar

Sharmistha Das

San Jose, California
3 Answers
1513 Reads
1 Karma

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Monique’s Avatar
Monique Dec 12, 2022 345 views

What do you accomplish each day?

I have a strong interest in becoming a veterinarian, but I have no idea what a regular day might include.

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 13, 2022 622 views

I am stuck between three careers. How do I choose the right career path for me?

The three careers I am interested in are being an Anesthesiologist, Anesthesiologist Assistant, and a CRNA. If I choose to be an Anesthesiologist, what are some things I need to be aware of? Also, what's the biggest difference between being an Anesthesiologist and being a CRNA? What are some...

Carla’s Avatar
Carla Dec 13, 2022 547 views

Please help me

Hi, I’m a college student and I want to apply for a job online. No experience. Would be my first job ever. Please let me know