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Cody’s Avatar


Bamberg, South Carolina
4 Questions
271 Karma

Cody’s Career Goals

I want to be an information security analyst for a company that helps out their community


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Cody’s Avatar
Cody Feb 07, 2023 6988 views

What is your opinion on the advancement of technology when it comes to communication?

Do you like the advancement of technology so far? What do you think some pros and cons are when it comes to communication via technology?

Cody’s Avatar
Cody Jan 30, 2023 680 views

What would you say your biggest strength is that has helped you develop your career as an information security analyst?

I understand that complex problem-solving and critical thinking skills are pretty much essential when it comes to any IT field. Are their any skills that I may not have considered or that you think are underappreciated in your field? What would you consider your top 3 skills of this trade?

Cody’s Avatar
Cody Jan 30, 2023 515 views

Which steps have you taken in order to become an information security analyst?

I understand that you need to at least have a bachelor's degree for the most part to fill this role, but I'm curious about how you went about furthering your career from the ground up to the career. Did you take another entry level job? Because I understand that a lot of companies require their...

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Cody Jan 30, 2023 752 views

What does your typical day look like as an information security analyst?

I understand that information security analysts are responsible for preventing cyber-attacks for companies and organizations. I would just like to know the details of your average day at work.