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Centerville, Iowa
7 Questions
416 Karma

Ayden’s Career Goals

I like physical education-related things and I plan to pursue this interest

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Ayden Feb 07, 2023 686 views

I'm starting to understand what I would like to go into and I was wondering if anyone has any tips on studying?

I am in high school and rarely ever have to study to get A's but I know that will definitely change in college so I should start now rather than later right?

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Ayden Feb 01, 2023 593 views

I have found two careers that are of interest to me these are Dietician and Adapted Physical Education Specialist but I do not know a whole lot about either occupation does anyone have any knowledge of these professions?

I like these because I am into my own physical health and I would love to help other people.

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Ayden Jan 30, 2023 454 views

What if I think I want to do a career and then change my mind?

I know it's normal to switch majors in colleges more than once but I want to find something I love so I don't have to switch multiple times

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Ayden Jan 30, 2023 351 views

When will I know if a career is the right one?

Will I get a feeling like an aha moment or will I have to jump in first and see if I like it or not?

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Ayden Jan 30, 2023 674 views

What if I don't find a career that suits me?

Its nerve-racking to make a big decision like this

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Ayden Jan 30, 2023 611 views

What are some jobs that have to do with physical health?

Physical health-related things is one of my main interests.

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Ayden Jan 30, 2023 461 views

When do I know/find what the right career is for me?

I know my interests and everything but I still don't have a finite idea of what I want to be.