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Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Oct 13 151 views

how to go about knowing a particular career?

I am confused about the right choice of career for me.

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Oct 22 645 views

How can I find prolonged success in the field of downstream marketing?

I am currently a third year transfer student at UCSB and a communication major. I wanted to ask how I can make the jump to get a nice job that has longevity and opportunity to get promoted.

mia’s Avatar
mia Oct 22 295 views

What does success look like in your field, and how is it measured?

What does success look like in your field, and how is it measured?

buthelezi’s Avatar
buthelezi Oct 09 620 views

How do i begin a tech startup?

I am a high school student who wishes to start a tech initiative on cyber security and artificial intelligence. How do i boost my confidence level and better performance of my business strategy?

Larry’s Avatar
Larry Sep 22 599 views

What does a marketing analyst do on a daily basis at work ?

I am a university student interested in marketing but don't have much experience with it. I am wondering what pursuing this path would entail and would be happy to hear any insight.

Renai Leeben’s Avatar
Renai Leeben Nov 09, 2022 605 views

What kind of study habits?

In college, there would be a lot more of people around you and everyone wants to be the best. You have to thrive harder to make yourself known. In order to so, what kind of habit or routine should one possess to gain confidence, excel in the field of choosing and show their potentials?

kendalle’s Avatar
kendalle May 04, 2022 1336 views

What does growth look like after you reach the peak?

I would like to know what it will be like once I reach my fullest potential in computer production.

LeAndrew’s Avatar
LeAndrew Jun 29, 2022 779 views

I would like to know for a sales agent and financial services what values does your company look for in a person they are hiring ?

sales agent and financial services