Becky Rouhi (She/Her)

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what are some questions i can ask a nurse that i will need in the future to give me some ideas on what i need to work on ?
What are some tips and good characteristics that i will need when becoming a nurse.

What is the process and experience like when trying to get a degree in nursing?
I'd like to know what college will be like if I decide to major in nursing.

What are some learning experiences of nurses?
Things that you had to learn through trial and error, things you were taught in the workplace and not school.

What does a day in the life of a nurse look like?
Hours worked on average, daily tasks.

Nursing Pre-reqs ?
What are the necessary pre-reqs to become a nurse? Are all pre-reqs the same for all healthcare specialists? Would I need to take additional classes?

How hard is it to become a nurse practitioner?
How hard is it to become a nurse practitioner, what skills do you need to be good at this job. Is it okay to start at a junior college to be begin my nursing school?

What is the difference between an NP and PA?
What are the differences between a PA and an NP? Are there more possibilities with one than the other? What does the pay look like? Is one more difficult than the other?

Why did you decide to become a nurse practitioner?
Why did you decide to be a nurse practitioner and not a physician assistant?

How do Nurse Practitioners work and Registered Nurse ? What is the difference between them?
I do hope to be a Nurse Practitioner but I have also thought of being a Registered Nurse but I don't have much background information on the two.

What was the hardest part about starting nursing?
I've recently decided on nursing and I wanna be sure before I start college.

How can i become a registered nurse if i major in biologicalscience for my undergrad?
I want to be a nurse, but I got a major in biological science and I can't switch to nursing, so can I do that after I get my bachelors degree and how long will it take

What is your typical schedule as a registered nurse? Did you get to choose your working hours?
I just want to know the typical schedule of a nurse. Do you work nights? Are you allowed to choose what time of day you want to work?Is it easier to work overnight or during the day for you?

What is it like to be a registered Nurse?
What is the education to become a registered nurse like? Is university of Colorado school of medicine and red rocks community college a good starting point? Does being a registered nurse help people? do they get good work hours to where you can still spend time with family?